Tuesday 27 October 2015

I really must get this blog back up and running again.

We have suddenly decided to move a few months ago, and it finally all happened last week. My long arm is now set up in what was the original lounge of this house. Now I finally have ALL my sewing in the one space. And because we have moved, I need to update my business card. I can't figure out how to edit the PDF I have so I have opted to go for a generic card. do you likey? It's peacock feathers!  So gorgeous. This should stand out now, especially in my local quild's newsletter. My other one felt so dark next to everyone else's.

 My new sewing room has zebra stripes for the lower half of the walls.. this isn't going to work, so i will order new peacock wall paper and get it redone. My hubby was hoping I was over peacocks, but alas...

Monday 30 March 2015

Fab day out!

I need a picture of today's travels but I haven't taken one but I can share one of a quilt I made years ago. I wanted to learn how fo do curve piecing, do I used a drunken path template to cut out the fabric and put this together. The curve piecing was easy but I no longer liked the top. When I purchased my longarm quilting machine, I used this quilt to practice on. I love it!!! It's amazing how the quilting process can transform the quilt from blah! to wow!!! 

Today I went on a bit of adventure and had a Quilty day out. I met a friend in town and got to see her seeing room... Do you think she noticed her fabric storage cupboard was missing?? It was hard to squeeze it into my bag! 

We went down to the local shops to check out Stitchbird! I have never been there before and it was gorgeous!!!! So many modern fabrics.... 

I stopped at Minerva textile book shop on the way home too! Always a joy to visit. Anne and Maryanne are always so welcoming!!! I did get an unexpected surprise here... A parking ticket as I was too long in the shop... Oh bummer. 

So thank you Anne for a lovely day.